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The Lost Systems Races

::: sidebar right ::: Racial Traits Ability Adjustments: +2 TO ANY 1 ABILITY Hit Points: 4 Size...

Updated 3 years ago by Trevor

Priest-Everly (Manufacturer)


Priest-Everly, founded by Amelia Priest and Daniel Everly in 162 AG, specialize in simple, functi...

Updated 4 years ago by JLeeBly


The Lost Systems Bases

Power Module Pallets Power Personel Shells Module Pallets Power Personel Production Mo...

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor

Starships as Bases

The Lost Systems Bases

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor


The Lost Systems Bases

Bases are made up of modules. Each module may provide the facilities to perform downtime activiti...

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor

Petroleum Ooze (CR 2)

The Lost Systems Creatures

XP 600 N Medium oozeInit +1; Senses blindsight (vibration) 60 ft., sightless; Perception +7Aura ...

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor


The Lost Systems Starships

GravLock is an alternate method of faster-than-light travel, that bypasses hyperspace and the ass...

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor


The Lost Systems Starships

An alternate starship combat system that emphasizes rapid engagement as opposed to tactical maneu...

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor


The Lost Systems Races

Racial Traits Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Str Hit Points: 6 names Size and T...

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor


The Lost Systems Races

Synths were created by Vader-San, and are used here with permission. Racial Traits Ability Adju...

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor


The Lost Systems Systems

A T Class brown dwarf. Has 1 known planet. Phenol More details will be added shortly

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor

SF Weapons Deep-Dive by Owen KC Stephens

Miscellany Resources

Weapon Damage Benchmarks for Starfinder Fun with Starfinder Damage Benchmarks Ranged attack tie...

Updated 4 years ago by JLeeBly

Troop (Template Graft)


Description A troop is a collection of creatures that acts as a single creature, similar to a sw...

Updated 4 years ago by JLeeBly

Underlings (Creature)


The addition of more creatures or NPCs to a combat can have a rippling effect on player difficult...

Updated 4 years ago by JLeeBly



This document is based on the Markdown Cheatsheet by Adam Pritchard, and is released under a CC-B...

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor


Resources Templates

Insert image here, replacing this text Racial Traits Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, +2 Int, -...

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor

Creature/NPC (CR X)

Resources Templates

XP 307,200 Space goblin technomancer NE Large humanoid (goblinoid)Init +9; Senses darkvision 60...

Updated 4 years ago by Trevor

Code of Conduct


Updated 4 years ago by Trevor

Privacy Policy


Updated 4 years ago by Trevor

Terms of Service


Updated 4 years ago by Trevor