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Creature/NPC (CR X)

XP 307,200
Space goblin technomancer
NE Large humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +34
Aura unnatural aura (30 ft.)

HP 395; RP 7
EAC 34; KAC 35
Fort +17; Ref +17; Will +22; +4 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities natural invisibility; DR 10/magic; Immunities fire; Resistances sonic 20; SR 31
Weaknesses light sensitivity

Speed 35 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 30 ft.; earth glide
Melee quantum dogslicer +28 (13d6+22 S)
Multiattack quantum dogslicer +24 (13d6+22 S), bite +24
(9d6+22 P)
Ranged junklaser bazooka +3 (4d12+20 F; critical burn 1d8)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite)
Offensive Abilities breath weapon (80-ft. line, 5d8 A, Reflex DC 27 half, usable every 1d4 rounds)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th)
At will—charm person (DC 24)
Technomancer Spells Known (CL 20th)
6th (7/day)—chain surge (DC 29), disintegrate (DC 29), flight, interplanetary teleport, true seeing
5th (7/day)—control machines (DC 28), heat leech (DC 28), synapse overload (DC 28), telekinesis, wall of force
4th (7/day)—corrosive haze (DC 27), dimension door, overload systems (DC 27), rewire flesh (DC 27), soothing protocol, wall of fire

Str +2; Dex +9; Con +2; Int +12; Wis +2; Cha +6
Skills Computers +39, Engineering +34, Stealth +39
Feats Cleave, Mobility
Languages Common, Goblin
Other Abilities water breathing
Gear nanotube carbon skin, junklaser bazooka, quantum dogslicer, spell cache, 1,000 credits

Environment any
Organization solitary or cult (1 plus 20–30 space goblins of CR 3–4)

Breath Weapon (Su) A space goblin monark can exhale a line of caustic acid as a standard action.