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Synths were created by Vader-San, and are used here with permission.

Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: (See Active Blueprint, below)

Hit Points: 4

Size and Type: Synths are Medium or Large constructs with the technological subtype, though unlike other constructs, they have Constitution scores.

Active Blueprint: All Synths receive a +2 Cha and a -2 Wis at character creation. Their size determines their last Ability Adjustment. Medium Synths are agile (+2 Dex). Large Synths are burly (+2 Con). This decision is made at character creation but can be changed at GM discretion using a process that requires downloading a new blueprint from an infosphere with other Synths on it and several months of downtime in order for internal nanites to affect the changes.

Adaptive Sensors: Synths have low-light vision and darkvision. As a result, they can see in dim light as if it were normal light, and they can see with no light source at all to a range of 60 feet in black and white only.

Synthetic: Synths are synthetic creatures, and certain biological processes and adaptations don't work for them the same way they do for their biological counterparts. Synths are immune to diseases, poisons, and death effects unless they specifically affect constructs or computers. A character must use the Engineering skill to perform the tasks of the Medicine skill on a Synth. Magical healing works on Synths, but any such healing that restores Hit Points is halved when used on a Synth. Synths are unable to use necrograft augmentations at all, and can only use biotech augmentations per the rules of the Programmable Nanites racial trait below. Finally, Synths do not suffocate in a vacuum, but do gain the paralyzed condition as long as they're exposed.

Modular Bodies: A Synth's body is composed of modular components, and can be swapped or upgraded easily. This manifests in three specific exceptions to the normal rules:

First, a Synth may treat cybernetic augmentations as armor upgrades for the purposes of adding or removing them from their person. A Synth may keep multiple cybernetic upgrades, but may only have as many installed as their augmentation systems allow. Additionally, a Synth may sell back cybernetic augmentations for the standard 10%, the same as other equipment.

Second, a Synth has both an internal standard datajack and an internal comm unit, which may be removed without harming the Synth if they are helpless, and can be replaced or upgraded for the standard price of the equipment.

Third, Synths can install a single armor upgrade in their bodies that can be installed into light armor, but this upgrade occupies an augmentation system of the synth's choice.

Programmable Nanites: Synths may purchase biotech augmentations as cybernetic augmentations for an additional 10% cost. Any augmentations purchased in this way are not subject to the Modular Bodies racial trait. This otherwise functions as the Adaptive Biochains biotech augmentation.


Physical Description


Society and Alignment


