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Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Str

Hit Points: 6

Size and Type: Greox are small humanoids, with the greox subtype.

Natural Weapons: Greox have natural weapons that functions like those of vesk, except the greok's bite deals piercing damage.

Scrounger: Greox receive a +2 racial bonus to Engineering, Stealth, and Survival checks.

Scrappy: Despite their small size, greox are surprisingly resilient. Greox gain 1 additional Resolve Point at 1st level.

Toxicity Resistance: Greox have a +2 racial bonus to saving throws vs poisons and diseases. Greox have acid resistance 5, which stacks with one other source of acid resistance.

Easily Frightened: Greox have a -2 racial penalty to saving throws vs fear effects.


Physical Description

Replace this text with a physical description of the race.


Replace this text with information about the race's homeworld, if they have one. You can also use links to link to a page about it, if it exists.

Society and Alignment

*Replace this text with information about the major society comprised of by the race, and the usual temperment and aligment of creatures of this race.


Replace this text with a specific examples of other races that this race may have particular relations with, such as rivalries or partnerships.


Replace this text with a description of the usual mindset or justifications that members of this race that tend to go out and become adventurers has or exhibits.


Replace this text with a list of some example names for the race, to give folks a good idea of how to make their own.