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Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: +2 TO ANY 1 ABILITY

Hit Points: 4

Size and Type

Consorts are medium oozes with the shapechanger subtype, but they do not gain the normal ooze immunities.

Ooze Movement

Consorts have a land speed of 30 feet and gain the compression universal creature rule.

Contact Telepathy

Consorts can communicate telepathically with any creatures they are in physical contact with and whom they share a language. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speak.

Strange Biology

Like most oozes, a consort's body doesn't have discernable organs or other real anatomy. Consorts are immune to the flanked condition, and cannot use any type of augmentation other than personal augmentations.

Polymorphic Form

A consort can change shape at will. Consorts can also use the spell polymorph (1st level) once per day as a extraordinary ability. The target for this spell is personal. The effective caster level is equal to the consort's character level. This is a polymorph effect.

Host Dependence

Consorts don't eat like most creatures. Instead, they must feed off of a host organism in order to survive. Any creature without the following traits can serve as an host: unliving, construct, incorporeal. A consort avoids starvation by bonding with a host and remaining bonded for at least 8 total hours in a day. While bonded, a consort has total cover and the paralized condition, but may choose to leave its host at will.

Shared Body

When a consort's host takes damage, it is split evenly between the consort and their host. If a consort takes more than half of their HP in damage while in a host, they are forcefully ejected from their host into an adjacent space.

Alternate Racial Traits

Sticky Movement

You have a thicker, yet stickier consisitency than most consorts. You have a land speed of 30 feet, and a climb speed of 10 feet. This racial trait replaces ooze movement.


Solidified Shape

Prerequisites: strange biology racial trait Benefit: You are able to keep your form a bit more solid than most other types of consorts. You can now use biotech augmentations, but you are no longer immune to the flanked condition.

Experienced Shapeshifter

Prerequisite: polymorphic form racial trait, character level 7th Benefit: You can use your polymorph (1st level) ability three times per day, and you gain the spell polymorph (2nd level) as an extraordinary ability that you can use once per day, with a target of personal.

Master Shapeshifter

Prerequisite: Experienced Shapeshifter, polymorphic form racial trait, character level 7th Benefit: You can use your polymorph (1st level) ability at will, and it gains a permanent duration. You can use your polymorph (2nd level) ability three times per day. You gain the spell polymorph (3rd level) as an extraordinary ability that you can use once per day, with a target of personal.


Prerequisites: host dependence racial trait Benefit: You gain the spell detect affliction as a constant extraordinary ability that can only target your host. You also gain stabilize as an extraordinary ability that can only target your host.

Improved Symbiosis

Prerequisites: Symbiosis, host dependence racial trait Benefit: Before your host makes, or would need to make a skill check, you may Aid Another. If you succeed, you may either provide a +4 bonus to your host, allow them to use your modifier for the skill, or allow them to make a skill untrained.

Parasitism (Combat)

Prerequisites: host dependence racial trait Benefit: You can forcibly make a host of a creature that you are grappling at the beginning of your turn as a swift action. An unwilling host can prevent this bonding with a successful Fortitude save or you can be forcibly removed with a successful Medicine check. The DC for this save is 10 + half the consort's character level + the consort's key ability modifier, and the DC for the Medicine check is 10 higher. The creature must otherwise be a valid host. Additionally, you gain the spell fatigue as an extraordinary ability that can only target your host.

Improved Parasitism (Combat)

Prerequisites: Parasitism, host dependence racial trait Benefit: Your unarmed attack gains grab. This works as the grab universal creature rule, meaning that you only must hit your target's KAC+4 in order to perform the initial grapple combat maneuver. Normal: You have to make an attack and a grapple combat maneuver check as separate actions. Your initial grapple combat maneuver check would have to hit your target's KAC+8.


Prerequisites: Symbiosis or Parasitism, host dependence racial trait Benefit: You can leave a small portion of yourself behind in your hosts. As a reaction when one of your hosts is required to make a saving throw, you can spend 1 resolve in order to use this small portion to influence them, forcing them to reroll, and at your discretion, use your modifier for the appropriate save. This piece deteriorates and is absorbed into your host after 24 hours. Special: You may not leave a piece of yourself in any host more than once in a 24 hour period.


Physical Description


Society and Alignment


