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Troop (Template Graft)


A troop is a collection of creatures that acts as a single creature, similar to a swarm, but as part of a military unit. A troop has the characteristics of its type, except as noted here. A troop has a single pool of Hit Dice and hit points, a single initiative modifier, a single speed, and a single Armor Class. A troop attempts saving throws as a single creature.

A single troop occupies a 20-foot-by-20-foot square, equal in size to a Gargantuan creature, though the actual size category of the troop is the same as that of the component creatures. The area occupied by a troop is completely shapeable, though the troop must remain in contiguous squares to accurately reflect the teamwork of trained military units. A troop has a reach equal to that of the component creatures based on size or armament. A troop can move through squares occupied by enemies and vice versa without impediment, although the troop provokes an attack of opportunity if it does so. A troop can move through any area large enough for its component creatures.

The exact number of a troop’s component creatures varies, but in general, a troop of Small or Medium creatures consists of approximately 12 to 30 creatures. Larger creatures can form troops, but the area occupied by such a troop should increase proportionally according to the size of the component creatures.

Spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of a troop requires a successful caster level check (DC = 20 + spell level). Using skills that involve patience and concentration, such as Computers, within the area of a troop requires a successful DC 20 Will saving throw.

Traits: Troop attack, troop defenses, troop immunities

Looting Troops: Although troops are composed of a number of individual creatures, the chaos and destruction of battle means that not all of these creatures’ equipment survives the rigors of combat. As a result, parties who wish to claim usable gear or treasure from slain foes treat a troop as a single creature for the purposes of looting, and should be able to recover gear worth a total value equal to the troop’s expected treasure value (as determined by the troop’s CR).

Troop Traits

Troop Attack (Ex)

Creatures with the troop subtype don’t make standard melee attacks. Instead, they deal automatic damage to any creature within reach or whose space they occupy at the end of their move, with no attack roll needed. A troop’s stat block has “troop” in its Melee entry with no attack bonus given. To determine the amount of damage a creature of CR 6 or lower deals with troop attack, use the value listed in the CR 6 Three Attacks entry on its appropriate array table, lowering the additional damage from that CR to match its actual CR. For all other creatures, use the Four Attacks entry for its CR in the corresponding array table.

Unless stated otherwise, a troop’s attacks are nonmagical. Damage reduction sufficient to reduce a troop attack’s damage to 0 or other special abilities can give a creature immunity (or at least resistance) to the troop’s attacks. Some troops also have other special attacks in addition to normal damage or deal more damage than their CR would normally suggest. Troops threaten all creatures within their reach or within their area, and resolve attacks of opportunity by dealing automatic troop damage to any foe in reach who provokes such an attack of opportunity. Troops are still limited to making one such attack per round unless the text states otherwise.

Format: Melee troop attack (1d6+2 P).

Troop Defenses (Ex)

Troops take damage from weapons differently depending on how the weapon targets them.

A troop is immune to attacks and effects that target a single creature (including single-target spells), with the exception of mind-affecting effects if the troop has an Intelligence score and an ability similar to a formian’s hive mind.

A troop takes half again as much damage (+50%) from effects that affect all targets in an area, such as grenades, blast and explode weapons, and many evocation spells.

A troop takes normal damage from an attack or effect that affects multiple targets (including lines and fully automatic mode attacks). For the purpose of automatic fire, the troop counts as five targets. For example, if an automatic attack is made using 12 rounds of ammunition, it can attack a maximum of six targets, so it can damage a troop normally. However, if two other targets are closer to the attacker than the troop, they must be attacked first, leaving only four attacks to target the troop, so it takes no damage.

Format: Defensive Abilities troop defenses.

Troop Immunities (Ex)

Troops are immune to the following effects, unless the effect specifies it works against troops.

  • Bleeding, critical hits, flat-footed, off-target, pinned, prone, staggered, and stunned.
  • Combat maneuvers - troops can’t be affected by combat maneuvers, unless the troop’s description says otherwise. A troop can grapple an opponent.
  • Flanking - Troops are unflankable.
  • Dying - A troop reduced to 0 Hit Points breaks up and ceases to exist as a troop, though individual members of it might survive.

Format: Immunities troop immunities.

Optional Abilities

Volley (Ex)

The troop can fire a barrage of gunfire as a standard action. Choose a small arm, longarm, or heavy weapon with a level up to the troop's CR. As a standard attack, the troop may make a ranged attack with the weapon as though it had the blast special property. This attack can start from any square the troop occupies. Creatures in the blast take damage of the same type listed by the weapon (Reflex save for half). Volley damage and save DC are determined by the table array.