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This document is based on the Markdown Cheatsheet by Adam Pritchard, and is released under a CC-BY license. Headers # H1 ## H2 ### H3 #### H4 ##### H5 ###### H6 Alternatively, for H1 and H2, an underline-ish style: Alt-H1 ====== Alt-H2 ------...


The Lost Systems Systems

A T Class brown dwarf. Has 1 known planet. Phenol More details will be added shortly


The Lost Systems Races

Synths were created by Vader-San, and are used here with permission. Racial Traits Ability Adjustments: (See Active Blueprint, below) Hit Points: 4 Size and Type: Synths are Medium or Large constructs with the technological subtype, though unlike other con...


The Lost Systems Races

Racial Traits Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Str Hit Points: 6 names Size and Type: Greox are small humanoids, with the greox subtype. Natural Weapons: Greox have natural weapons that functions like those of vesk, except the greok's bite dea...


The Lost Systems Races

::: sidebar right ::: Racial Traits Ability Adjustments: +2 TO ANY 1 ABILITY Hit Points: 4 Size and Type Consorts are medium oozes with the shapechanger subtype, but they do not gain the normal ooze immunities. Ooze Movement Consorts have a land speed of 30 ...


The Lost Systems Starships

An alternate starship combat system that emphasizes rapid engagement as opposed to tactical maneuvering.


The Lost Systems Starships

GravLock is an alternate method of faster-than-light travel, that bypasses hyperspace and the associated delays.

Petroleum Ooze (CR 2)

The Lost Systems Creatures

XP 600 N Medium oozeInit +1; Senses blindsight (vibration) 60 ft., sightless; Perception +7Aura toxic cloud (30 ft., DC 11) DEFENSEHP 25EAC 13; KAC 15Fort +6; Ref +2; Will -1Immunities ooze immunitiesWeaknesses vulnerable to fire OFFENSESpeed 20 ft.Melee sl...

Creature/NPC (CR X)

Resources Templates

XP 307,200 Space goblin technomancer NE Large humanoid (goblinoid)Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +34Aura unnatural aura (30 ft.) DEFENSEHP 395; RP 7EAC 34; KAC 35Fort +17; Ref +17; Will +22; +4 vs. enchantmentsDefensive Abilities natural invi...


Resources Templates

Insert image here, replacing this text Racial Traits Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Str Hit Points: 6 Size and Type: Greox are small humanoids, with the greox subtype. Natural Weapons: Greox have natural weapons that functions like those of v...


The Lost Systems Bases

Bases are made up of modules. Each module may provide the facilities to perform downtime activities, or may provide access to new downtime activities. They are built using Pallets, Power, and Personel. Pallets are a resource which may be created from a bulk o...


The Lost Systems Bases

Power Module Pallets Power Personel Shells Module Pallets Power Personel Production Module Pallets Power Personel Habitation Module Pallets Power Personel Recreation Module Pallets Power Personel

Starships as Bases

The Lost Systems Bases